Best Fiber Supplement

The Best Fiber Supplement is our goal, our mantra, our journey.

The Best Fiber Supplement is what we set out to create on Day 1, what customers consistently tell us we accomplished, and what we remain steadfast dedicated to.

But, what makes Pinch Magic Fiber the best prebiotic fiber supplement?

1. The Magical Ingredient

When we started Pinch, we evaluated every fiber ingredient available. It was clear, by far, that psyllium husk is the best fiber for the benefits we were looking to achieve.

But we didn't stop there - we worked with the farmers and refinery to set extremely strict specifications on quality and purity, ensuring we use the best of the best, and you only get the best of the best.

2. No Fluff

Since we started on Pinch in 2016, a lot of copycat companies have popped up, claiming to have two or three (or even 40 lol) fiber sources in a serving. Sounds impressive…but it's just fluff.

Many of these ingredients, while technically could be classified as a fiber, do not actually do anything to help with digestion and gut health.

And, even if the additional fiber source was helpful, they feature a meaningless amount in a serving. It's purely a gimmick.

With Pinch Magic Fiber, we use the best fiber ingredient (psyllium husk), and focus on maximizing the amount of the good stuff, and no fluff.

3. No Bad Sh*t

Even worse, many other fiber supplements contain ingredients that can actually be bad for you. We think this is absolutely crazy.

For instance, many will add inulin fiber, which can actually be harmful for your gut health, especially for those with serious digestive challenges like IBS.

Others add in artificial ingredients and sweeteners, or even fillers like silicon dioxide (which is actually what's in those pouches that say DO NOT EAT).

(And Test, Test and Retest)

Further, EVERY batch is 3-stage tested using 3rd party labs: we set very strict requirements for each and every ingredient, and raw ingredients are tested across dozens of dimensions. Then, of course, our final batches are also sent out for 3rd party lab testing to validate our exceptional quality.


In addition to making the best fiber supplement PRODUCT, we also strive to consistently deliver the best fiber supplement EXPERIENCE.

That means:

  1. We listen to the needs of individual customers and provide an unmatched level of customer service.
    We (Jason and Matt, the Founders of Pinch) read/respond to every single email we get - whether that is someone sharing Pinch Love about their experience, if someone needs help tracking down their order, or if someone is looking for tips on how to maximize their performance from Pinch.

  2. We remain family & friends owned & operated.
    We don't answer to big investors looking to squeeze out profits at the expense of product quality or the experience. We make something our family and friends use everyday, so our bar is as high as possible.

  3. We are consciously crafted.
    Everything from our decision to offer a 4-week supply from the start (versus other companies that only use wasteful single serve packets so they can charge much more). We use as much recyclable material as possible (including our jars, scoops, and packaging). And we treat our partners as members of the Pinch fam as well.

So, when we set out to make the best fiber supplement, we considered every aspect and every angle. That's why we're thrilled customers constantly refer to us as the best sh*t ever. A beautiful compliment indeed.

Matt + Jason

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